NCCC Endorses SHIP

On September 7, 2022, the National Craft Cannabis Coalition sent a letter to U.S. Congressperson Huffman endorsing the SHIP Act.

September 7, 2022

Dear Representative Huffman,

On behalf of the undersigned coalition of over 1,000 small and independent cannabis producers throughout the United States, we are pleased to endorse the Small and Homestead Independent Producers (SHIP) Act as proposed by your office.

Across the United States, thousands of small cannabis farmers and manufacturers have received licenses to operate under state-legal cannabis frameworks. Most of these producers are small cannabis farmers operating with under an acre of total cultivation area.

Collectively, our experiences as small producers in state-legal frameworks have taught that the ability to receive a license is not, in itself, adequate to establish an equitable cannabis market. If cannabis regulations are structured such that market access is only available to large, scaled operators, independent and craft businesses, many of whom have been heavily impacted by the War on Drugs, will lack practical opportunities to compete in the market.

In other craft agricultural industries, such as America’s world-renowned artisanal wine industry, the ability to ship products directly to consumers has been the cornerstone of ensuring market access for small producers. By guaranteeing similar direct-to-consumer sales opportunities for small-batch cannabis producers, the SHIP Act would help establish the building blocks of an equitable cannabis framework from day one of federal legalization.

We strongly support this legislation and thank your office for your leadership to build an accessible and equitable framework for federal cannabis legalization.


Genine Coleman, Executive Director, Origins Council (CA)
Amanda Metzler, President, F.A.R.M.S. Inc. (OR)
Micah Sherman, Board Member, Washington Sun & Craft Growers Association
Geoffrey Pizzutillo, Executive Director, Vermont Growers Association
Mark Barnett, Policy Director, Maine Craft Cannabis Association
Eric Schwartz, Founding Member, Farm Bug Co-Op (MA)
Natalynne DeLapp, Executive Director, Humboldt County Growers Alliance (CA)
Oliver Bates, President, Big Sur Farmers Association (CA)
Diana Gamzon, Executive Director, Nevada County Cannabis Alliance (CA)
Michael Katz, Executive Director, Mendocino Cannabis Alliance (CA)
Adrien Keys, President, Trinity County Agricultural Alliance (CA)
Joanna Cedar, Board Member & Policy Chair, Sonoma County Growers Alliance (CA)