NCCC Charter

Updated: October 21, 2022

Name: National Craft Cannabis Coalition (NCCC) 

Structure: The NCCC is a coalition of state-level advocacy organizations associating on a voluntary basis. The NCCC is not formally incorporated.

Purpose and Vision: The purpose and vision of the NCCC is to promote state and federal policies that support small cannabis producers, to support a business ecosystem that supports craft cannabis cultivation, and to support consumer access to a diversity of craft cannabis products. Initial scope of the NCCC includes:

  • Supporting federal direct-to-consumer (DTC) legislation for small cannabis producers through collaboration on policy development, advocacy, and public relations. 

  • Supporting the regulation of cannabis as agriculture.

  • Sharing information on state-level cannabis policy for mutual benefit.

  • Sharing information to assist the establishment of small producer associations in states with nascent legal cannabis industries.  

  • Collaborating on additional projects based on a consensus of participants.

Membership: The NCCC is open to membership by state-level organizations, including trade associations and cooperatives, that predominantly represent small independent cannabis producers, inclusive of small cannabis farmers and manufacturers. Member organizations may represent cannabis operators which are not small, independent producers, so long as they predominantly represent small, independent producers.

The following are general criteria for membership. However, other criteria can be considered based on a consensus of existing members.

  • Membership is limited to a single organization in each state, with the goal of encouraging participation from the most representative organization in each state. This requirement may be waived based on good cause by a consensus of members.

  • Specifically, membership is prioritized for a representative trade/advocacy organization, or a producer cooperative in a state without a representative trade association.  

  • Membership is prioritized for groups which are active in state-level cannabis policy in their home state.

  • Membership is not open to individual businesses.

  • Member organizations may choose to withdraw their membership at any time.

NCCC will maintain an internal document, shared with all members, that includes up-to-date membership and contact information for member organizations.

Decision Making: The NCCC may seek to make collective decisions on topics such as proposals for statutory amendments to federal DTC legislation, submitting collective letters on federal DTC legislation, and other collectively-identified priorities.

NCCC decisionmaking operates on a consensus basis and may be vetoed by any NCCC member. NCCC members agree to work in good faith to seek consensus-based solutions. If NCCC is unable to reach consensus on an item, member organizations may act on an independent basis. Votes by NCCC member organizations may be recorded at meetings or electronically.

Membership responsibilities/expectations:

  • NCCC calls are held biweekly, or at another interval determined by a consensus of members. Member organizations are expected to have a representative attend at least 50% of NCCC meetings. Up to two representatives of each member organization may be designated to attend NCCC calls.

  • Member organizations should seek to support collective efforts in good faith as mutually agreed upon, including conducting advocacy with local representatives, cooperating on press strategy, sharing information relevant to collective NCCC priorities, and supporting efforts to build coalitions with external stakeholders.

  • Member organizations should not speak on behalf of the NCCC unless otherwise agreed upon by a consensus of NCCC members.  

Process for Accepting New Membership: The NCCC may expand its membership to include organizations and advisors that meet NCCC membership criteria and share NCCC’s purpose and vision. Additional members may join the NCCC based on a consensus of existing membership. Interested potential members may apply to become a NCCC member by completing a questionnaire posted on the NCCC website.

Process for Removing Membership: Any member may be removed from NCCC membership based on a consensus of all other existing members.

NCCC Advisors: The NCCC may partner with Advisors that build the NCCC’s capacity to accomplish its purpose and vision based on a consensus of existing membership. 

Charter amendments: This charter may be amended based on a two-thirds vote of NCCC members.

NCCC Charter